Welcome To TRP
Welcome To TRP
We offer opportunities for women in all stages of life to do life together through gatherings, special events, and outreach. We believe that a woman's commitment to the Lord is far more precious than anything in life. Whether you are new to the faith or new to TRP, we would love you to be a part of us and do life with us!
Ladies' Half-Hour Sunrise Prayer Meeting:
Ladies take 30 minutes of devotion to the Lord on a prayer line Saturday mornings from 6:00 am to 6:30 am. We would love for you to join us Saturday mornings. Save the number 434-218-0023. For call reminders, speak to an usher after Sunday service or email admin@trp.org to be added to the reminder list. This option is great for those that need a boost to get up early and to be reminded.
Women in Prayer:
Ever third Wednesday of the month, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, TRP holds a prayer meeting at the church for ladies to have an opportunity to thank God, stay in an attitude of worship, bring in prayer points (personal or corporate), and lift one another up. The Bible says, in Proverbs, 32:30, "Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." We believe God's desire for all women is to fear Him and be exhulted by Him through our obedience to His Word. He is the one that rewards all women who do this with praise and honor. Check out our events page.
Ladies' Breakfast
This is one of the best events most of women love because it is a chance to come together, eat breakfast, catch up, and learn godly counsel from one another. Because this event occurs quarterly, we encourage you to stay up to date on TRP's next Ladies' Breakfast.
SUNDAYS 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | © 2023 THE REDEEMED PARISH